Thursday, October 30, 2008

Aerogarden: my attempt at gardening in the winter

One day during the summer, I saw that Amazon had this Aerogarden as the deal of the day. I had been wanting one to use to get my winter gardening fix, so I bought one. Last week was our first freeze, so I decided now was the perfect time to set it up. You just add water and a fertilizer tablet to the machine, pop the seed pods into the hole and it is an instant garden. I am trying the herb garden that came with the machine. It seem to be doing well and growing quite fast. Should be a fun toy this winter. I'll post an update in a couple of weeks.

I also try to bring in some of my tropical plants for the winter. They usually last until Christmas when lack of light or white fly usually finish them off. This year I only brought in two. I hope they make it.


Blogger Unknown said...

You have such a lovely garden, I wish mine was as beautiful!! I am also trying to build my hummer and butterfly garden up! I live in Southern Texas, much different temps than you!! What do you use to keep al the weeds from coming up? So pretty!!! I need to get my hands on some salvia and monarda!! Yours are so lovely!!

9:55 AM  
Blogger Janice Lois said...

Wow...I too have seen a beautiful aerogarden at Brookstone & now planning to buy it soon.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Joy said...

I'm curious how this works out. I'll check back and see how your garden grows. :)

5:49 PM  

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