Sunday, April 06, 2008

Nice weekend and the first daffodil

It reached 60 degrees here for the first time since October 30th! The first daffodil bloomed today, although they see a bit stunted in height this year. The stores got their first shipments of pansies in as well. I had to pot up some pansies right away:) I also talked my husband into expanding our veggie garden. It was so small before it would always get overgrown. I cheated and bought some spinach plants from Home Depot. I usually grow them from seed, but it is so nice to see something green coming up in the garden.


Blogger audreycoggins said...

ILove to seeHumming birds,I didnt know all thi stillIreadabout your blog and then started reading your blog,itis so muchfun,yourGardenis great,so now,Iplant my seeds inside and then when its warmer I tak ethem out.I hope they grow!Thanksfor all yourhelpful info!Joann

5:04 PM  

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